Medication Induced Hyperthyroid Symptoms to watch out for

Hey All My Lovely Thyroid Queens!

Im not on facebook often but when I do go on my facebook page sometimes I will randomly jump into thyroid groups to see whats being shared, drop my tips in the comments, and bounce.

The other day I was reading a post from a women who was experiencing hyper symptoms from her meds being moved up to high and she felt awful but wasn’t sure what to do.

This concerned me so I wanted to speak to you about this today because if you haven’t experienced this already its bound to happen at some point so its important to know how to handle it

I have experienced this medicine induced hyperthyroid state a few times when my meds we’re being changed and let me tell ya, its NOT fun and it can actually be really scary, and very painful too especially in your heart

Let me start here.

You need to understand that Thyroid replacement hormones are a stimulant. This is why Its hard to go off of them. This is also why your body gets dependent on them and why most people feel better or their energy comes back after they start them.

Just like all stimulants if you take to much you will feel the direct effects of your body speeding up.

This stimulation specifically effects your heart. This can give you heart flutters, heart palpations, and sharp heart pains.

This medically induced metabolism speed up can also make you feel like your crawling out of your skin, or you’ll feel like you have bugs crawling under your skin. It also can give you MASSIVE amounts of anxiety which can turn into a full blown panic attack (with the hyperventilating, sweating, feeling like you cant breath, and the whole nine) So heres what you do

(When your hyperthyroid this means your TSH will be UNDER a 0.5 or .5)

If you think your meds are to high and you are feeling this way theres 3 things you can do.

  1. Call or email your dr immediately and let them or the nurse know you think your meds are dosed to high and share with them all the symptoms to back it
    2. Talk to you doctor or pharmacist about the best way to temporarily cut back on your dosage
    3. Remember to repeat “this too shall pass” to help counter any anxiety or panic attacks.
    4. Avoid caffeine in all forms

    5. Use deep breathing and going outside to calm down

    6. Small dose of CBD to help you stay calm and relaxed

    7. When you DO talk to your doctor make sure they immediately send over a lower dosage med to the pharmacy do you can begin the new dose asap

Within 1 -2 weeks of taking your new medicationdose these hyper induced feelings will begin subside.

What are some signs my doctor moved or started my thyroid medicationWAY TO FREAKIN HIGH!

A racing heart

  • Perspiration

  • Nervousness

  • Irritability

  • Tremors

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Brittle hair

  • Thinning skin

  • Muscle weakness

  • Frequent bowel movements (usually not diarrhea)

    Medication changes cantake weeks to months to stabilize so staying patient and utilizing deep breathing, self love, rest, friend and family support with your kids, meals and cleaning is helpful with the process.


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