Sarah Lohman Sarah Lohman

My "WHY"

“I sit here often and think about all the reasons why I get out of bed every day and relentlessly fight for thyroid warriors all around the globe.

I have many, many, reasons. But today Id like to share some main ones with you.”

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Sarah Lohman Sarah Lohman

How I found Out EBV Was 1 Reason For My Thyroid Struggles

From birth to 28 years old, I never had mono., I never had chronic fatigue. There was nothing in my health timeline that I could think of where I was exposed to the EBV virus, so I thought.

The same seems to be the reaction here when I talk about this infection, many people say to me " oh I never had mono, or I was never exposed, and brush this off" and Im standing there shaking my head thinking, hang on just hear me out.

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