Special Guest Intuitive Coach Bridget Flynn

In the latest episode of "Thursday Thyroid Talks," the host welcomes Bridgette Flynn, a home organizer and intuitive coach. The episode begins with my personal story about experiencing powerful spiritual gifts and seeking Bridgette's guidance to understand and harness these abilities.

Bridgette shares her background, revealing she is both a lifelong psychic and a home organizer who uses her intuitive gifts in her work. She explains how organizing and decluttering homes helps ground her spiritual gifts. Bridgette discusses her journey from focusing solely on healing and psychic readings to incorporating home organization, which she finds balances her ethereal and practical skills.

The conversation delves into the importance of intuition, how Bridgette started coaching in this area, and the challenges of trusting one's intuitive abilities. Bridgette also emphasizes the energetic impact of one's living space and how organizing can positively affect one's life.

The journey of embracing intuition and clairvoyance despite coming from a Catholic background where such practices were not fully accepted. They highlight the challenges of trusting and verifying intuitive information, especially when it relates to past lives. The speaker shares their motivation for becoming an intuition coach to help other women understand and trust their gifts.

A key point made is that intuition requires confidence, trust, and practice. The speaker aims to assist women in recognizing and interpreting their intuitive gifts, even if they initially doubt them. They recount how their program has helped clients gain clarity and confidence in their abilities, even distinguishing between different spiritual guides.

Also, we address how chronic stress and survival mode can disconnect people from their intuition, making it harder to trust and access it. Also, emphasize the importance of centeredness and creating space to reconnect with one's inner guidance. Through our coaching, we aspire to help people achieve self-sovereignty, making empowered decisions guided by their intuition.

The impact of chronic fight-or-flight states, often caused by financial stress, health issues, or personal crises, on one’s ability to listen to their intuition. T

The discussion centers around breaking free from the cycle of fear and survival mode to connect with one's intuition. I emphasize the importance of pausing and taking a step back to create space for intuitive insights. Techniques such as deep breathing, paying attention to bodily sensations, and "gut checks" are recommended for tuning into one's inner voice.

We share personal experiences, noting how writing down options and observing physical reactions can help distinguish between intuition and fear. Immediate action on intuitive thoughts, even simple ones like taking an umbrella on a sunny day, can build trust in one's intuition.

Also, we highlight the transformative power of consistent practice. By acting on intuitive nudges, one can strengthen their connection to this inner guidance system. The host reiterates that intuition never leads one astray, always aiming to keep one safe, happy, and healthy.

The importance of maintaining a strong relationship with your intuition. We emphasize the need to regularly check in with yourself, much like you would with a partner or friend. Ignoring your intuition can create a sense of distance, though the connection is never truly lost.

Understanding intuition versus fear is critical; intuition is purely informational and emotion-free, whereas fear is often accompanied by an immediate emotional response. Bridget provides practical advice for discerning between the two, encouraging listeners to listen, trust, and act on their intuition promptly.

We also touch on home organization and its impact on personal energy. A cluttered home can reflect and contribute to a cluttered mind, while decluttering can help shift and improve your energy. Bridget stresses the connection between our inner selves and our environments, suggesting that a well-maintained home can support overall well-being.

I delved into the concept of energy imprints on objects and how they affect our living spaces. We touch on the practice of psychometry, where individuals can read the energetic history of objects. I share a personal anecdote about acquiring an antique vanity set, only to feel the presence of its previous owner until a thorough cleaning was performed to remove the residual energy.

Also, we highlight the importance of decluttering and cleansing one's home to remove old, stagnant energies and make way for new, positive ones. The host explains that all objects, especially those in intimate spaces like the bedroom, can hold significant energy, which is why purging items from past relationships or stressful times can be incredibly liberating.

You are encouraged to use intuitive practices during decluttering and home organizing, recognizing the emotional and energetic ties they may have to their belongings. I emphasize the transformative power of creating a clean, energetically balanced environment, which can lead to greater clarity and personal growth.

Overall, the podcast underscores the holistic connection between self, home, and energy, advocating for regular energetic cleanses and mindful organization to foster a harmonious living space.

For more information, you can visit our YouTube channel or Instagram for educational content and updates.

@Coachsarahjoy @divineorganizingbybridget

Watch the full Podcast HERE


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