Do You Love Dairy and Have Thyroid Issues? Why the Two Just Won’t Work

My dear Thyroid Warriors, allow me to share with you a story about my dairy intolerance, or rather, my complete and utter inability to handle dairy. Back in the day, I refused to acknowledge my condition and continued to consume dairy products despite the inevitable consequences. After every dairy-heavy meal, my throat would become congested, causing me to make that annoying throat-clearing noise. I had bags and huge swelling under my eyes, and I would cough incessantly at night, making it impossible to sleep. On top of all that, I felt sluggish and foggy-headed.

In an effort to alleviate these symptoms, I would take Claritin and soldier on with my day. Little did I know this cycle of self-torture would continue for years until one fateful night: I ordered an extra cheese pizza for dinner, and when I woke up the next morning, I felt absolutely horrible. That was the moment when I finally said, "Enough is enough!"

Despite knowing deep down that I should cut out dairy, I didn't want to give up the deliciousness that is cheese. But that night, I couldn't deny the direct negative effects any longer, and I made the tough decision to eliminate dairy from my diet. This was back in 2007, when soy was the only substitute available. However, as a top genetically modified crop, I made the choice to avoid soy like the plague (and I still do). It was a miserable experience, but I knew it was the right choice for my health.

For a long time, I was envious of people eating all the dairy-filled foods I missed, such as pizza, ice cream, and cheesy sandwiches. Thankfully, those days of longing are over! There are now countless dairy alternatives available that make it easy to enjoy all my favorite foods without the negative health consequences. From cereal to pizza, ice cream to whipped cream, chocolate milk to butter, coffee creamer to string cheese, you name it, there's a dairy-free version of it!

Here are my top two favorite dairy alternative brands that you may already be familiar with: So Delicious Dairy Free and Blue Diamond. So Delicious offers coconut, almond, and cashew milk alternatives in their products, while Blue Diamond is primarily almond milk based. Between these two companies, all your dairy needs are covered!

I cannot express enough how delightful it is to indulge in these new dairy-free options. I spent so many years in despair with food and the lack thereof that I now 1000% believe in replacing or swapping out thyroid-trigger foods like dairy with wonderful alternatives. That way, you can eat properly and not feel jealous, bitter, and left out!

In conclusion, if you're struggling with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or Hashimoto's and feel drawn to working with me, I invite you to book a free discovery call to see how I can help you tackle your condition. Let's work together to improve your health and quality of life!

Warm Regards,

Coach Sarah Joy


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