How I found Out EBV Was 1 Reason For My Thyroid Struggles

As I reflect on my health history, I can't help but think about the times I was sick. From the moment I was born up until I was 28 years old, I never had mono or chronic fatigue. I thought I was in the clear, but little did I know that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) could still be affecting me.

Whenever I bring up EBV, people often brush it off and say, "Oh, I've never had mono or been exposed to that virus." But let me tell you, it's not that simple. After doing some thinking, I realized that I had shared ChapStick with a friend in high school and contracted cold sores. I also had a boyfriend who gave me genital warts. And on top of that, I had a severe case of strep throat when I was a child. A triple whammy. 

In my journey to recover from hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease, I stumbled upon information about dormant EBV and its effects on organs and glands, especially the thyroid. I was surprised and decided to investigate it further. But honestly, I didn't take it very seriously until I went to my primary care doctor, who I nicknamed Dr. Cool. He ordered an EBV panel for me, and when I saw the results, I was shocked. My antibody levels were through the roof, and the lab noted that the infection was likely passed down to me from my mother when I was a newborn.

My mom had been struggling with her health for years, and my brother was diagnosed with Hashimoto's as well. I started to notice a pattern in my family and became more interested in EBV infections. And when I became a coach, I made it mandatory for my clients to take an EBV test. To my surprise, they all had high antibody levels too, showing either active, reactive, or past infections.

I then stumbled upon an article by Dr. Izabella Wentz that revealed more than 90% of the world's population has been exposed to EBV: 

    “More than 90 percent of the world’s population has been exposed to this human herpes virus. The virus can take up residence within our thyroid gland where it can live and be inflammatory to our immune system. It can call our immune cells to come into the thyroid gland and attack the virus along with the thyroid gland. Many people say that this is something that they’ve recognized on their personal health timeline with autoimmune disease—they were perfectly normal until they were exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus. Many people say they never quite felt like themselves again after contracting it, and this was my story too. I was a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed student until it triggered my chronic fatigue syndrome during my freshman year in college. I believe EBV may have played a huge role as one of my underlying triggers that exacerbated my Hashimoto’s symptoms. I suspect that many people with Hashimoto’s may be suffering from a hidden Epstein-Barr infection in the thyroid gland. When I conducted a survey of 2,232 people with Hashimoto’s, 11 percent of them reported that they started feeling unwell after an Epstein-Barr infection!”

This discovery made me believe that EBV played a significant role in exacerbating my Hashimoto's symptoms.

In closing, if you are struggling with any thyroid illness, I highly recommend asking for an EBV test to see what's going on with your antibodies. It may be one of your underlying triggers, but the good news is there are many natural ways to fight it off. As a certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and Thyroid Coach, I urge you to take care of your health and listen to your body. Who knows, maybe you'll discover an underlying factor that's been affecting you all this time.

With sympathy and love, 

Coach Sarah Joy 


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