Thyroid + Stomach Health

Having poor stomach health can be a real downer, and it can feel like it's ruining your entire day, or even your life. Dealing with issues like constipation, bloating, pain, embarrassing gas, and even hemorrhoids from constipation can be incredibly miserable. Trust me, I know first-hand. After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I used to eat raw almonds dipped in peanut butter as a snack while watching TV. Little did I know that I was essentially feeding myself a nuclear stomach bomb. Within 30 minutes of eating it, I would experience the worst stomach pain and wind up sitting on the toilet for hours without even going to the bathroom. It took me about a year of doing this to myself every night to realize that the problem was self-induced. So, I stopped eating it, but it seemed like even though I stopped eating the almonds and peanut butter, I was still having stomach problems within 30 minutes after eating my dinner every single night. I couldn't figure out what food was causing this because it seemed to happen no matter what I ate.

It was incredibly frustrating and miserable, and it greatly affected my family time, sex life, and relationship. If you can relate to any of this, then please keep reading. Your gut health is the foundation of your overall health, and caring for your digestive system is crucial. Today, I'd like to focus on your stomach.

When your stomach acids are out of balance, various gut health issues can occur. But first, let's talk about the most important and popular stomach acid, hydrochloric acid (HCL). Most people are struggling from low to no HCL, and I was a big-time sufferer of this issue.

When this acid becomes low and weakened, nonexistent, or replaced with bad acids, many symptoms begin to occur. Your hydrochloric acid is the main balancer of all our gastric acids, and it is created and produced from within our stomach glands. Reasons this acid gets weakened include stress, a sluggish liver, fatty liver, and adrenaline. When you're always in a negative emotional state and feeling stressed and upset, you are releasing some sort of adrenaline. The constant day in and day out of anger, fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, or hatred slowly depletes your stomach of this crucial acid (HCL) and your ability to digest your food. This low to no HCL then makes it possible for bad bacteria to overgrow inside your intestines.

Other reasons your HCL gets damaged are from prescription drugs, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, antifungals, Tylenol, and many other drugs that harm the stomach. Also, overeating high protein foods like meat, nuts (nut butters), seeds, and dairy can weaken your HCL. Protein from greens, sprouts, or veggies does not apply. You may be a little surprised by this list, but it totally makes sense. When you overconsume these types of foods, it requires a lot of work for your stomach to digest and break them down, initially "burning out" your HCL reserves.

You know if you have low HCL if you experience bloating, stomach discomfort, constipation, sluggishness, and fatigue. Trust me; I've been there!

Thankfully, there are many ways to rebuild and maintain your HCL and stomach health, but it takes time. It's not an overnight fix. However, I can share that the fastest way to rebuild your HCL and clear out those uncomfortable symptoms is to drink 16 ounces of fresh celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. Adding this one tool into my morning routine brought me SO much relief from my bloating, digestion, constipation, and overall daily discomfort. It was like magic!

So, want to create a personalized protocol just for you to help relieve your pain? Let’s chat on a discovery call. The worst that can happen is you decide my services aren’t for you. The BEST that could happen is literally restoring your health and therefore quality of life. Why wait? 

Looking forward to chatting soon. 

Coach Sarah Joy


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