How My Signature Program, "Energy For Life” Uplevels Your Functional Medicine Doctors Protocols.

I personally hired and worked with at least 3 functional medicine doctors along my wellness journey.

Their approaches to helping me were much appreciated compared to the mainstream doctor’s tactics, of just TSh testing and med or dose changes.

I was thankful these functional doctors cared about things like food malabsorption, nutrient deficiencies, supplementation, and stress, to name a few.

However, these doctors still have limitations to what they can provide.

First of all, they only treat you physically.

Yes, the labs, medication, and symptoms attention is important however, that’s only 1 piece to the puzzle about why you don’t feel well.

What about the rest of you that needs attention too?

Second, what about the questions or concerns you have outside of your appointment?

From my experience, there were no services in place to assist me outside of my appointment, like what if I started reacting to a new med, or what does this lab range mean, on my test result, or what do I eat, and so on?

Also, what about your struggle emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?

Dealing with the lack of trust you have in your body, the negative self-defeating thoughts that crush you daily, the anxiety and panic attacks, not leaving your house, and feeling cooped up and sad. Plus, the comments and reactions from those closest to you that hurt you and keep you feeling down on yourself?

All bring you down and are a big part of the struggle. But the doctors don’t really treat these. (sure there are pills for some of those but is that how you want to receive help for these, really?)

This is where I come in.

As a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, I am qualified to work together with you and your provider as your patient advocate (meaning I work with your doctor) and coach.

When you are enrolled in my 90-day program I can be brought onto the scene as your back up, to provide a second set of eyes and opinion on the protocols, I can help interpret your labs, request other labs (to dive deeper) and the best part, I’m your go-to for encouragement, guidance, questions, and concerns.

Together with you doctor, I provide:

  1. Support: The doctor won’t answer your messages or question outside of your appointment and they give you barley an hour if your lucky when your face to face with them, and usually STILL don’t answer all your questions, where I do. In my 90 day program, I offer direct messaging support during my business hours Monday - Friday as well as lab clarification.

  2. Accountability: The doctor’s role isn’t to keep you accountable, they are not going to message you and ask you how your eating is going, or your new supplements, or how you feel, but I do. This is the most beautiful part of coaching, you have a mirror looking back at you saying, “Hey, what’s up, are you doing it or not, and if not, then why.”  

  3. Answers: I love that functional medicine doctors are more willing to dive deeper with lab testing and I love that we would be able to request labs like Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Iron panels, and more to see where you are deficient. I include in my program an HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis)Test with a 60-minute interpretation and supplement regimen of your results from my colleague and me @JMSWellness. This test is a bonus for you that I include in my package because it tells you SO MUCH information about your minerals, trace minerals, conditions, heavy metals, and toxicity. I know your doctor does not provide this for you.

This is why If you're currently working with a functional medicine doctor on your thyroid health or considering hiring one, then It is important that you bring me in on your team as well since my program is so complementary in addition to what you're doing with a functional medicine doctor.

I provide that comprehensive transformational package and together we can hit your body, mind, and soul to provide you with overall health.

Sending you My love and light,

Coach Sarah Joy

To book your free discovery call today, just click on the link below.

This group, video, blog, email or handout is for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health or healthcare advice. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition.


Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You. Your Lab’s Are In Range But You Are Far From Fine. Now What?


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