Sarah Lohman Sarah Lohman

How I found Out EBV Was 1 Reason For My Thyroid Struggles

From birth to 28 years old, I never had mono., I never had chronic fatigue. There was nothing in my health timeline that I could think of where I was exposed to the EBV virus, so I thought.

The same seems to be the reaction here when I talk about this infection, many people say to me " oh I never had mono, or I was never exposed, and brush this off" and Im standing there shaking my head thinking, hang on just hear me out.

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Sarah Lohman Sarah Lohman

Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You. Your Lab’s Are In Range But You Are Far From Fine. Now What?

The scene: You feel like total crap all day. You cant take proper care of your kids, your home, or yourself, you can’t or struggle to work, your minds cloudy or fuzzy so basically you can’t focus, your dragging ass because you're SO tired, but you can’t sleep well, NOTHING is fine. Far from it. You're overwhelmed and scared. Worst of all your sick and tired of being sick and tired. You're desperate for something, anything! so you do what we’re all taught to do. You turn to your doctor for answers, and more importantly, help feeling better again…

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