Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe You. Your Lab’s Are In Range But You Are Far From Fine. Now What?

The scene: You feel like total crap all day. You cant take proper care of your kids, your home, or yourself, you can’t or struggle to work, your minds cloudy, your dragging ass because you're SO tired, but you can’t sleep well, NOTHING is fine. Far from it. You're overwhelmed and scared. Worst of all your sick and tired of being sick and tired. You're desperate for something, anything! so you do what we’re all taught to do. You turn to your doctor for answers, and more importantly, help feeling better again…

The day of your follow-up appointment arrives, you drag yourself to your appointment still feeling like total crap, (you may have to be driven to your appointment). You checked in. The nurse took your vitals. Your sitting or laying down on the crunchy paper table, anxious and slightly hopeful. The doctor knocks on the door and walks in and says hi. All you want to do is word vomit out all of your symptoms and desperation, they listen for a second, then they say, “let’s look at your test results”, you pause as they look, then in slow motion they say,

“everything looks fine, I see nothing wrong with any of your tests results”

Dumb-founded & confused, a bazillion thoughts flood your mind, “but you didn’t even pull the full thyroid panel, well the tests are wrong, how is that possible I feel like total and utter shit?”The remainder of the appointment feels like a blur as you leave feeling completely sideswiped by a freight train. You’re told you’re crazy, you’re told you must have anxiety, your told to lower your stress, your giving anti-anxiety meds, and are told to come back so you can get re-checked in a few weeks.

In the end, your told nothing that helps you feel validated, right, or that is helpful…just nothing. You walk out heartbroken, more scared, no terrified, and devastated. Worse than that you’re left to figure out how to live your life in this state of zombie land your living in at the moment.

If this has happened to you then you have been Medically Gaslighted. “Medical gaslighting is when a health-care professional downplays or blows off symptoms and tries to convince a patient that their issues are caused by something else, or even imaginary.” Sadly, this is a very common, if not a typical situation most women face that have a thyroid condition. But the question is, NOW WHAT! You may wonder? What the hell am I gonna do? I can’t live this way. I want you to know that I too have experienced multiple of these devastating doctor’s appointments that make you want to punch your doctor out (lol don’t do that) and from my own research, time, and experiences would like to try to shed some light and answers on this situation and where to go from here.

First of all, you need to understand that this it’s not entirely the doctor’s fault.

1. The TSH ranges that have been established are all sorts of wrong. Dr. Izabella Wentz stated this, “when scientists first set the “normal” ranges of TSH for healthy individuals, they inadvertently included elderly patients and others with compromised thyroid function in the calculations leading to an overly lax reference range. This resulted in people with underactive thyroid hormones being told that their thyroid tests were “normal,” based on this skewed reference range.”

Read that full article here

2. Sadly, the medical system is not set up to help people get better. No matter how hard you push back, you are never going to achieve regaining your health because it is only in the business of treating your symptoms with medication, therapy, surgery, radiation treatment, and other procedures.

Once I came to this understanding, I realized if I wanted to truly get better, then I needed to look for other avenues of help with my thyroid troubles and that’s when things started to change for me. One of the first lessons I learned is that: I don’t need a doctor to pull labs! In my 90 day program, I come across unwilling and uncooperative doctors all the time. This does not stop us from achieving the labs we need to see what’s really going on inside of you. I have access to all the same tests they do, and we don’t even have to go through insurance hoops to get it. It is absolutely possible for you and me to order, pay for, and pull the labs we need at your local lab. These tests are processed with a debit or credit card payment rather than through your insurance but the majority of the basic tests are not expensive. Then after your results are emailed to you, we can look them over together, then you can take them to your doctor for further interpretation.

I also offer deeper testing than the medical system provides included in my program called a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test. I love this test because it focuses on finding out and fixing your root causes rather than masking symptoms with medication. It’s fantastic

In the end, I don’t want to see any women continue to suffer through these soul-shattering, unfair appointments as I and so many others have had. It’s time for you to try something new rather than continue to be a part of a system that doesn’t serve you. Let me help empower you with the gift of finding your health answers with someone who BELIEVES you. Book your free discovery call with me today. or click on the link below

Sending you my love and light,

Coach Sarah Joy

This group, video, blog, email or handout is for educational and informational purposes only and is not medical, mental health or healthcare advice. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition.


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